
By West Africa Cooks, 27 August, 2015

The food and drink scene is constantly evolving with a relentless flow of new trends emerging, and the public embracing even the craziest of foodie fads. Mainly washed down with alcohol. Today this current generation spends more time and money dining out, treating food and drink as more of an experience than simply fuel to get you through the day. As this demand for food and drink experiences increases, so does the opportunity for passionate cooks at home, restaurants and supperclubs.

By West Africa Cooks, 30 October, 2014

Imagine cooking all day every day, this being a chore not a pleasure well in Africa most people still cook on open fires from early in the morning and it is festivals for the chief or other important guests (special occasions like weddings or religious festivals) which include an extensive variety of food. Cooking in general is very simple for the poor while cooks for the rich can be extravagant.

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