Palmnut Soup (Banga Soup)

By West Africa Cooks, 21 October, 2012

Made with palmnut fish,meat and tomatoes.

Yield amount
Yield units
Preparation time
40 minutes
Cooking time
1 hour
Total time
1 hour, 40 minutes

How to make Palmnut Soup (Banga Soup)?
Method:- Boiling, simmering
1. Wash the palmnuts, put in a saucepan of water to boil.
2. Cut meat into cubes and cook in a saucepan of salted water until partially tender.
3. Chop onion and pepper, add to the cooked meat and simmer slowly.
4. When nuts are soft, remove from the water and pound in a mortar to remove or crush out the red outer layer. Remove and put in a large bowl, pour boiling water and stir to extract the oil.
5. Strain through a sieve and keep the liquid.
6. Repeat 4 and 5 until all the oil has been extracted.
7. Add the extracted liquid to the meat in the saucepan and cook slowly until most of the water has evaporated and the ingredients are soft.
8. Peel and add whole boiled egg, shrimps or crabs as desired. Simmer for another 5 minutes.
9. Skim off surplus oil and save for future use.
10. Serve with foofoo, rice or boiled yam/cassava.


Important Nutrition Information:- High in calorie value. Good supply of vitamin A, minerals and protein.
Foods high in starch. Sugar and fat provide more calories in the body. Excess calories are stored as fat resulting in weight gain.


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