Pork Rice

By West Africa Cooks, 1 July, 2013

Pork Rice made with trotter cuts, soft bones and or pig's tails.

Yield amount
Yield units
Preparation time
35 minutes
Cooking time
1 hour, 30 minutes
Total time
2 hours, 5 minutes

How do you cook Pork Rice?
1. Cut up trotter, soft bones and or pig's tails and soak for about one hour changing water frequently to remove excess salt.
2. Put oil in a pot and clarify. Cook pork etc, till tender, adding some water if necessary.
3. Add vegetables, onions, pepper, tomatoes and seasonings. Blend well.
4. Wash and gravel rice, drain and add to the sauce.
5. Continue cooking rice till grains are soft and water absorbed.
6. Wash, shred sour-sour leaves and scald.
7. Add to the pot and allow to simmer for 5 minutes.
8. Serve hot, mixing sour-sour leaves into rice when dishing out.


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