Palm Butter Soup (Banga/Chor Soup)

By West Africa Cooks, 17 November, 2013

(Banga/Chor Soup)

Yield amount
Yield units
Preparation time
35 minutes
Cooking time
40 minutes
Total time
1 hour, 15 minutes

How to make Palm Butter Soup (Banga/Chor Soup)
1. Boil nuts till soft, adding some salt.
2. Pound and strain through a sieve, using some of the hot liquid.
3. Put bonga pulp in a sauce pan with meat cut up, ground onions and pepper, and continue to boil.
4. Rinse and debone the fish, add to the soup and continue boiling till it thickens. Add the shrimps (optional). Check the seasoning.
5. Serve with boiled rice for lunch or dinner.


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